What is MOVE 2025?
We’re putting our Fall 2025 service changes in your hands. This is your system. Your ride. So, it’s your choice. We'll provide the options, you'll tell us what changes work best for you. Here’s your chance to tell us where you’d like to see improvements, and what trade-offs you’re willing to make to get you where you're going.
Why does MOVE 2025 need my input?
We’ve been listening to your feedback: some riders want more frequent service. Others want more coverage. Bus operators see ways to make their routes more reliable. Businesses would like changes that benefit their employees. Add to that new housing developments, entertainment hot spots, and changing traffic patterns, plus our incredibly detailed analytics on all things bus, and you’ll understand why we need your help! There are dozens of ways MCTS can make changes while staying within our budget. We have come up with several different route ideas but we need to hear from you: which of these options matter most.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation requests:
ASL interpreters will be provided. For other ADA accommodation requests please contact MCTS at jochoa@mcts.org or 414-344-4550 Extension 3591 at least one week prior to the event.

MOVE 2025 goes from now until the changes go live in August:
December 2024 - Early February 2025
- During this initial phase, MCTS is interested in gathering feedback and input on routing ideas from our riders and stakeholders.
- There are many ways to provide feedback including visiting our website and leaving comments on our interactive map, taking a survey, or providing your input in person at one of our upcoming public meetings. See details in the sections below.
- It is important to note that in this phase these are draft concepts that can become recommended proposals if applicable after rider and stakeholder feedback is collected.
March - April 2025
- MCTS refines route ideas into recommended proposals based on feedback from the public meetings.
- MCTS generates a draft plan(s) of options that is cost neutral for additional public and stakeholder feedback.
- Meeting dates/locations coming soon.
- A recommended plan is prepared based on feedback from riders and stakeholders.
May - August 2025
- Plan brought to County Board for review and approval in early May.
- MCTS begins to inform riders of the upcoming changes.
- Changes go live in late August for Fall 2025 service.
Shape Your Route
Stay tuned for our Phase 2 survey!
Want more detail on the proposed changes or are you using a screen reader? Check out our interactive Remix maps and turn-by-turn directions by clicking the link below!