Phase 2 Information
Want details on the changes moving forward in Phase 2 or are you using a screen reader? Check out our Phase 1 rationale summaries, interactive Remix maps, and turn-by-turn directions by clicking the links below!
The following alternatives are recommended to move forward based on feedback, ridership data and operational considerations.
14B, 19 Downtown, New Oak Creek Route, 20, 28, 30, 51, 56, 57, 59B, 63, NEW 74B, BlueLine & NEW 73, PurpleLine Reduced, Reconfigured RedLine & 68
The following routes are recommended to move forward into Phase 2 for further input:
34, 52, 55 & 58
The following alternatives are not recommended to move forward into Phase 2.
24, NEW 65
Route 14
Phase 1 Options: 14 Existing, 14-A Extended to 12th Street, or 14-B Extended to 16th Street
Rider Feedback: Riders preferred extending Route 14 to 17th Street and said a connection to Route 24 was crucial. This would eliminate the need for additional transfers and provide direct access to more employers.
Phase 2 Recommendation: It is recommended that option 14-B move forward.
Route 19 - Downtown
Phase 1 Option: Modify Route 19 to use McKinley Avenue between MLK Drive and 6th Street (versus using Kilbourn Avenue.)
Rider Feedback: Riders were supportive of this change as it would make service more reliable. Traffic often causes delays on MLK Drive and buses have to detour during special events. 6th Street is still within walking distance of MLK Drive.
Phase 2 Recommendation: This option is recommended to move forward.
Route 19 - Oak Creek
Phase 1 Option: End Route 19 at Zellman Court (College Avenue). Service to Oak Creek would be maintained via a new route between Zellman Court and Centennial Drive.
Rider Feedback: Riders were supportive of this change as it would make service more efficient, improve the reliability of Route 19 service, and create the potential for serving new destinations in Oak Creek in the future.
Phase 2 Recommendation: This option is recommended to move forward.
Route 20
Phase 1 Option: Shorten Route 20 at Layton Ave. Service to Walmart in Franklin would be eliminated.
Rider Feedback: Riders supported shortening Route 20 if there was a direct connection to the PurpleLine to get to destinations such as College Avenue/Walmart. In order to improve other routes, resources need to be shifted away from Route 20.
Phase 2 Recommendation: The original option will be modified so Route 20 riders will be able to connect to the PurpleLine on 27th St. after serving Layton Ave.
Route 24
Phase 1 Option: Make Route 24 a high frequency route.
Rider Feedback: This option did not receive as much support as other higher frequency candidates (57 and 63).
Phase 2 Recommendation: This option is not recommended to move forward.
Route 28
Phase 1 Option: Modify Route 28 to use Lovers Lane to Silver Spring (versus a one-way loop that uses 124th ).
Rider Feeback: Riders supported simplified two-way service on Lovers Lane Road to Silver Spring Drive. Service on 124th Street will be removed.
Phase 2 Recommendation: This option is recommended to move forward.
Route 30
Phase 1 Option: Modify Route 30 to operate on Florist Avenue to Teutonia Avenue.
Rider Feedback: Riders supported new service on Florist Avenue and new connections to Routes 12 and 19. This change also helps bus drivers by improving access to restrooms.
Phase 2 Recommendation: This option is recommended to move forward.
Route 34
Phase 1 Option: Shorten Route 34 to North Avenue. Service from North Avenue to the downtown Intermodal Station would be eliminated.
Rider Feedback: Some riders said it was important for Route 34 to continue traveling Downtown so they do not have to transfer. If Route 34 continues to travel Downtown, buses will come less often.
The majority of riders ride Route 34 between North Avenue and 92nd Street, and Route 34 and Route 80 duplicate service on 6th Street. Route 34 riders can transfer to Route 80 to access destinations south of North Avenue
Phase 2 Recommendation: In order to improve other routes, resources need to be shifted away from Route 34, either by shortening the route or buses coming less often during part of the day. MCTS is requesting further rider feedback on new options.
New “Coverage” Option: Route 34 follows the existing routing and preserves the one bus ride to downtown. Buses arrive every 30 minutes during the rush hour but only every 50 minutes during the midday and evening.
Original “Frequency” Option: Route 34 is shortened at North Avenue. Buses would continue to come every 30 minutes throughout the day. Riders wishing to go Downtown would be able to transfer to high frequency service on Route 80.
Route 51
Phase 1 Option: No longer serve Lake Drive due to low ridership. Reduce service during midday but continue to provide high frequency service during the busiest times of the day.
Rider Feedback: Riders were supportive of this option and understood it would allow other routes to be improved.
Phase 2 Recommendation: This option is recommended to move forward.
Route 52
Phase 1 Options: 52-A would extend the northern end of the route to Holt & Chase. 52-B would extend the northern end to Kinnickinnic & Bay. 52-C would extend the northern end to Holt & Chase and the southern end to Chicago & Drexel.
Rider Feeback: Riders were most supportive of 52-C as it would serve more destinations and provide connections to other routes. However, riders wanted 52 to maintain service to Kelly Senior Center and Aurora St. Luke’s South Shore.
Phase 2 Recommendation: MCTS is requesting further rider feedback on two options: the original 52-A and a revised 52-C.
52-A would maintain most of the current routing but end at Holt Avenue &Chase Avenue on the northern end.
Revised 52-C – Revised would be modified to keep service to the Kelly Senior Center on S. Lake Drive along with the extensions on the northern and southern ends.
Route 55
Rider Feedback: Riders supported eliminating the weekday limited service on Lake Drive as it would improve frequency for the majority of riders throughout the route. Service to the Kelly Senior Center would be maintained via Route 52.
Phase 2 Recommendation: MCTS is requesting further rider feedback on a new option along with the original proposal.
New Option: This option would further improve the frequency of service by removing the segment on Whitnall Avenue which has low ridership. Remaining on Layton Avenue would also help the route stay on schedule.
Original Option: Service on Lake Drive would be eliminated and all buses would end at Kinnickinnic & Lipton.
- 55-A
55 Remains on Layton
Route 56 and NEW Route 74
Phase 1 Option: Modify Route 56 to operate on Beloit Road to 92nd Street and create two options for new service on Miller Park Way. 74-A would connect Miller Park Way to the Veteran’s Administration Hospital on National Avenue. 74-B would connect Miller Park Way to Wisconsin Avenue then 35th Street.
Rider Feeback: Riders were supportive of bringing Route 56 to Beloit Road. This would add new connections to areas that are not served today. Riders supported a new route connecting Miller Park Way and Wisconsin Avenue. Riders could transfer to the Connect 1 BRT and Route 30.
Phase 2 Recommendation: It is recommended that a modified Route 56 and 74-B move forward.
Route 57 & 58
Phase 1 Option: Make Route 57 a high frequency route and shorten Route 58 to Appleton Avenue after removing a bus.
Rider Feedback: Riders were very supportive of more frequent service on Route 57. This would shorten travel times and improve connections to other routes. Some Route 58 riders preferred the existing routing, while others supported shortening the route if Route 57 service was improved.
Phase 2 Recommendation: In order to make Route 57 more frequent, resources are needed from Route 58. MCTS is requesting further rider feedback on two options: a “coverage” option and a “frequency” option.
Coverage option: Route 58 follows the same route as today to Lovers Lane Rd, but buses come less frequently - every 70 minutes. Buses come every 18-28 minutes on Route 57 compared to every 30-35 minute today.
Frequency option: Route 58 ends at Appleton Ave and buses come every 60 minutes. Buses come every 18-28 minutes on Route 57 compared to every 30-35 minute today.
Route 59
Phase 1 Options: 59-A would travel along Drexel Avenue between IKEA and Chicago & Drexel. 59-B would travel along Drexel Avenue between the Walmart in Franklin and Chicago & Drexel. 59-C would travel between IKEA and Lake Drive & Oklahoma primarily via Lake Drive - Packard – Chicago and Drexel Avenue.
Rider Feedback: Riders supported additional service with connections to the PurpleLine, IKEA, and Walmart. This route provides new east-west service on the southern end of the county.
Phase 2 Recommendation: Option 59-B moves forward with a slight modification on the western end in order for buses to safely turn arond. 59-B will serve Drexel Avenue and 27th Street, then turn around via Ramsey – 35th – College.
Route 63
Phase 1 Option: Make Route 63 a high frequency route.
Rider Feedback: Riders were very supportive of more frequent service. This will improve connections to other routes and shorten travel times to major destinations.
Phase 2 Recommendation: This option is recommended to move forward. This option will require reallocating resources from other routes
NEW Route 65
Phase 1 Option: Create a new Route 65 to serve Lake Drive
Rider Feedback: Riders preferred that resources be used on other routes.
Phase 2 Recommendation: This option is not recommended to move forward.
BlueLine and NEW Route 73
Phase 1 Option: Shorten BlueLine to 91st & Flagg and create new Route 73 on Mill Road and 107th Street to provide more east-west connectivity on the northern end of the county.
Rider Feedback: Riders said it was important that the BlueLine connect with the new Route 73 for a direct transfer opportunity. Riders supported new service on Mill Road but wanted to maintain access to jobs and shopping on Park Place and 124th Street.
Phase 2 Recommendation: It is recommended that these options move forward with slight modifications. BlueLine would travel to Mill & 76th Street and a New Route 73 would travel on Mill Road while maintaining service on existing corridors served by BlueLine today. Current riders would have new connections to high frequency routes like Route 12, Route 19 and Route 30.
The reconfigured BlueLine would double the frequency of service between Hampton Avenue and Mill Road. Every bus would make this trip, while today every other bus turns back at Hampton. This change would also eliminate confusion about the endpoint of BlueLine buses and the need for riders to sit through a layover when traveling south.
- BlueLine-A with NEW Route 73
Phase 1 Option: Shorten the PurpleLine at the Franklin Walmart/College Avenue and no longer serve IKEA due to low ridership.
Rider Feedback: Riders were supportive of this change as long as they could make a connection to a new Drexel Avenue route at College Avenue/Walmart.
Phase 2 Recommendation: It is recommended that this option move forward.
RedLine and Route 68
Phase 1 Option: Modify the RedLine to travel on Oakland Avenue (instead of Downer Avenue) to UWM and extend Route 68 to UWM via Capitol Drive and Downer Avenue.
Rider Feedback: Riders supported the Route 68 extension, which would provide a one-bus ride to UWM from the North Shore, and the change to the RedLine, which would improve efficiency.
Phase 2 Recommendation: It is recommended that these options move forward.