
Move 2025 Logo Phase 2

MOVE 2025: Your Ride. Your Choice.

What is MOVE 2025?

We’re putting our Fall 2025 service changes in your hands. This is your system. Your ride. So, it’s your choice. We'll provide the options, you'll tell us what changes work best for you. Here’s your chance to tell us where you’d like to see improvements, and what trade-offs you’re willing to make to get you where you're going.  

What has happened so far?

Over the last few months, MCTS conducted a widespread public outreach effort – which included 5 public meetings, more than 15 key stakeholder meetings, and our digital survey – resulting in over one thousand comments and interactions with passengers, bus drivers, businesses, community groups and elected officials. This feedback helped shape the plans that we’re presenting in Phase 2. 

That’s the number of surveys completed, attendees at our 5 community meetings, bus driver feedback sheets, and comments we received from December to February.


Route options were presented in Phase 1. These options came from rider requests, feedback from bus drivers, and ridership data.


Thanks to your input in Phase 1, we’ve narrowed down to 17 route options moving forward into Phase 2, which will be recommended to the County Board after one more round of public feedback.


Route options still need your voices. Some riders gave us new ideas for these routes in Phase 1 and now it’s time to decide on which are recommended to the County Board.


So...what is moving forward?

Here's a breakdown of our major takeaways and the route options that will meet riders' needs.

More connections where they don't exist today

Creating new connections to major destinations will move more people to jobs, school, and life. Making transfer opportunities convenient for riders also makes our system more efficient. 

“When Route 14 was split it changed my work commute from 2 buses to 4 buses making my commute longer with more time waiting outside right at the start of winter. Any change that minimizes that is welcome.” - Route 14 Rider 

Anything connecting the 15 line to the western without having to ride north first would be wonderful. My rides would more than double if I could more quickly and easily get from South Milwaukee to Drexel Town Square, the Domes, Froedtert, etc. If Drexel had a streetcar, I would use it every day.” - Route 15 Rider 

  • Route 14 extended to 17th Street 

  • Route 30 reconfigured to serve Florist Avenue to Teutonia Avenue 

  • Route 56 travels on Beloit Road 

  • New Route 59 travels on Drexel Avenue and 27th Street 

  • Route 68 extended to UWM 

  • New Route 74 serves Miller Park Way from Wisconsin Avenue to Morgan Avenue 

  • BlueLine reconfigured to end at 76th Street and Mill Road 

  • New Route 73 serves Mill Road, Park Place, and 124th Street 

Higher frequency along certain routes

When buses come frequently, riders can put less effort into planning their trip, have shorter wait times when transferring between routes, and experience overall shorter travel time. 

"I frequently travel from where I live and work near Washington Park to the Intermodal Station for train and bus travel in and out of state. I would appreciate higher bus frequency.” - Route 57 Rider 

“I take 63 every day to get to and from work and buses do not come as frequent as they should. It would help a lot if more buses were added.” – Route 63 Rider 

  • Route 57 buses come more often 

  • Route 63 buses come more often 

Simplified routing

Riders prefer direct routing over branched routing where possible. This makes it easier to understand where a bus is going. More direct routing gets you where you need to go faster, saving money and time.   

“It’s hard to know which bus to get on when the route branches. Riders also have to sit through a layover when taking the BlueLine south from Park Place.” – BlueLine Rider 

“It’s hard to know where to stand with constant detours in downtown”- Route 19 Rider 

  • Route 19 shifted to McKinley Avenue between MLK Drive and 6th Street 

  • Route 19 ends at Zellman Court and a new route takes over Oak Creek service 

  • Route 28 serves Hampton Avenue and Lovers Lane in both directions 

  • RedLine shifted to Oakland Avenue between Capitol Drive and UWM 

  • BlueLine reconfigured to end at 76th Street and Mill Road

Serving the community where it’s at

To make the best use of our resources, we will move service where ridership is low, to areas where more service is needed. This helps MCTS adapt to meet ridership needs while living within our means. 

“If reducing this route means better headways on some other route, either making it 15 minutes or even less than 10 (ideally), then I am in favor of this.” -Route 58 Rider 

“I like the idea of the proposed 59 bus route which would eliminate the need for the purple line to make trips to IKEA.” - Oak Creek Meeting Attendee 

  • Route 20 shortened to Layton Avenue and 27th Street 

  • Route 51 ends just east of Kinnickinnic Avenue and comes less often during the midday 

  • PurpleLine ends at College Avenue/Walmart 

What do we need from you? Four routes still need your input: 345255 & 58. Be sure to take our survey below to share your thoughts!

Want more detail on the changes or are you using a screen reader? Check out our interactive Remix maps and turn-by-turn directions by clicking the button below!

How do I weigh in on MOVE 2025?

This is your opportunity to see progress and continue shaping the future of our routes. 

You can also give feedback is at one of our 3 upcoming community meetings: 

MCTS Main Admin Building

April 4, 2025
Milwaukee County Transit System Administration Building (Main Conference Room)
1942 N 17th St, Milwaukee WI 53205
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Atkinson Public Library

April 8, 2025
Atkinson Public Library
1960 W Atkinson Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53209
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

South Milwaukee Public Library

April 10, 2025
South Milwaukee Public Library
1907 10th Ave, South Milwaukee, WI 53172
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation requests:
ASL interpreters will be provided. For other ADA accommodation requests please contact MCTS at or 414-344-4550 Extension 3591 at least one week prior to the event.




MOVE 2025 goes from now until the changes go live in August:

December 2024 - Early February 2025

  • During this initial phase, MCTS was interested in gathering feedback and input on routing ideas from our riders and stakeholders. 

  • There were many ways to provide feedback including visiting our website and leaving comments on our interactive map, responding to social media posts, taking a survey, or providing your input in person at one of 5 public meetings. 

March - April 2025

  • MCTS refines route ideas into recommended proposals based on feedback and presents them for additional public and stakeholder feedback. 

  • MCTS generates a draft plan(s) of options that is cost neutral for additional public and stakeholder feedback. 

  • A recommended plan is prepared based on feedback from riders and stakeholders. 

May - August 2025

  • Plan brought to the County Board for review and approval in late Spring.   

  • MCTS begins to inform riders of the upcoming changes. 

  • Changes go live in late August for Fall 2025 service.

Shape Your Route

Our Phase 2 survey is here! 

Phase 1 Info

Having FOMO from missing out on Phase 1? Take a look at our initial proposed plans by clicking here.