Large crowds are expected in Milwaukee on August 24 to see Green Day at the American Family Field. So now you’re faced with the Dilemma of how to get there. Well, we think you should take the bus.
When you have a WisGo account, you don’t need to rely on Whatsername for a ride every where you go. With a single ride costing you just $2 on the Umo app or WisGo card, you can say Good Riddance to those high gas prices and hop on the CONNECT 1 or Route 18. Welcome to Paradise. Riding the bus can help you get more steps, relax, and give you that added free time to feel like King for a Day.
To plan your trip to the show, check out the Umo app or our Trip Planner at RideMCTS.com. There you’ll also find the latest on WisGo fares and Real-Time Information, which means you’ll spend less time Waiting for the bus and more time Hitchin’ a Ride on MCTS. In the End, you’ll feel like you’re on Holiday because of how easy it was to ride.