New Mobility Device Securement System Debuts on Buses
Independence is a great feeling no matter your age or physical ability. That’s why MCTS is testing a new automatic, rear-facing securement system for mobility devices.
The Quantum Securement System will enable people who use wheelchairs and scooters to secure themselves with the simple push of a button and without requiring driver assistance – all in under 25 seconds. It works with mobility devices between 19 to 33 inches wide.
How it works
1. Simply guide your device into a rear-facing seat on the driver’s side.

2. Once in position, push the button to make the security arm come down and lock the mobility device into place.

3. There’s also a lap and shoulder belt for added safety.

4. When you have reached your destination, push the yellow bar above the round button to signal your stop request. This will alert the bus driver. Press the round button to release the security arm.

5. As soon as the arm is in the upward position, maneuver your device forward and you are free to get off!

Next steps
Currently, MCTS has one bus (Bus #5729) with the Quantum Securement System. The existing forward facing, belt and hook securement system will remain on all buses.
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We’d love to hear from you!
Try out the new Quantum Securement System and tell us about your experience. Send us a message through our online feedback form or by calling 414-937-3218 (Voice) / 711 (TRS).