
We're excited to work with you!


Follow these easy steps to start working with MCTS

MCTS offers a wide range of business opportunities for contractors, vendors, and suppliers in construction, professional services, maintenance/repair/operation equipment, and more.

Procurement Opportunities:

  1. View MTS' active bids or proposals

     By clicking on the appropriate bid title, you will be transferred to the download page where you will be able to print the bid or proposal document(s), including required bid forms.

  2. Milwaukee Transport Services Inc. also utilizes the online service DemandStar to electronically publish active bids or proposals.

    Milwaukee Transport Services, Inc. 
    Attention: Procurement Department 
    1942 North 17th Street 
    Milwaukee, WI 53205 
    (414) 343-1706

For further information or questions regarding bid procedures, please contact the Procurement Department directly at (414) 343-1706, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Central Standard time or by e-mail.

MCTS Policy and Procedure re Protest and Appeal of MCTS Procurements

Protests as to Form and Content
Protests as to form and content of Bid, RFP or RFQ documents must be submitted not less than 15 days prior to the procurement due date.  A day is exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and MCTS-recognized holidays (“Day”).  Protests shall be in writing, specifically state the reason for the protest, and be delivered via email to both the RFP Administrator and the procurement department designee (

The procurement department designee shall review protests and determine whether modification is appropriate.  Any significant changes to the procurement will result in a revised due date and addendum, publicized in the same manner as the original procurement.  A significant change is one that, in the sole view of the procurement department designee, is likely to attract or interest additional offerors announced.  If the protest is rejected, the protestor shall be notified.  The decision of the procurement department designee is final and cannot be appealed.

Protests as to Responsiveness

  • RFPs/RFQs
    The RFP/RFQ Administrator must inform the Offeror of a determination of non-responsiveness via email, detailing the reason(s) for the determination. The email will be sent to the individual signing the RFP or RFQ submission.
    The Offeror must submit any protest from a determination of non-responsiveness within 3 Days (to the hour) of the issuance of the email notifying the Offeror of the non-responsiveness determination.  The protest must be in writing, specifically state the reason for the protest, and be delivered via email to both the RFP/RFQ Administrator and to the procurement department designee (
    The procurement department designee shall review protest(s) and issue a decision as soon as practicable.  The procurement department designee shall affirm, reverse or modify the RFP Administrator’s decision.  The decision of the Pprocurement department designee is final and cannot be appealed.
  • Bids
    The Purchasing Agent will inform Bidders of a determination of non-responsiveness in the Notice of Intent to Award to the individual signing the Bid response. Protest procedures are as set for in the Protest to Awards section.

Protests to Notice of Intent to Award
Protests concerning the Notice of Intent to Award must be submitted within 3 Days (to the hour) of the issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award.  The Notice of Intent to Award is sent via email to the individual signing the submission documents on behalf of the Offeror/Bidder; all Offerors/Bidders will be sent a Notice of Intent to Award.  The 3 Days will run from the date and time stamp on the sent email.

The procurement department designee shall review the protest and notify the protestor of a decision in writing via email within 5 Days of receipt of the protest if possible, or as soon as practicable if not possible.  No contract shall be awarded while a protest is pending.  A protest that is untimely or fails to clearly state the reason for said protest shall be invalid.  The decision of invalidity of a protest is final and cannot be appealed.  The substantive decision of the Notice of Intent to Award may be appealed as set forth herein.

Purchasing Appeals Committee
A Purchasing Appeals Committee comprised of three members shall hear any appeal of a Notice of Intent to Award only.  A representative of Milwaukee Transport Service’s Corporate Legal Counsel shall be on the committee.  The procurement department designee shall be a technical advisor to the Committee.

Appeal of Protests to Award
Protests of a Notice of Intent to Award shall be made to the Purchasing Appeals Committee by emailing a written request to the procurement department designee ( within 3 Days (to the hour) of issuance of the decision on the Protest of Notice of Intent to Award, as reflected on the date and time stamp on email responding to the Protest of the Notice of Intent to Award.

The email shall clearly state the grounds upon which the protest is based and clearly request an Appellate Hearing.  No contract shall be awarded until the final disposition of the protest.

The Chairperson of the Purchasing Appeals Committee or their designee shall notify all interested persons of the time and place of the Appeal Hearing.  The Purchasing Appeals Committee shall affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the procurement department designee’s and the final Administrative decision. Decisions shall be made with 10 Days of the appeal, if possible, or as soon as practicable if not possible.

Establish Business with MCTS

Companies or individuals seeking to do business with MCTS can contact the Procurement Department during regular business hours at (414) 343-1706.

Businesses providing services on-site at MTS must provide liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence listing both MTS and Milwaukee County as additionally insured.

MCTS Vendor Portal

MCTS vendors can access their vendor file accounts in MCTS’ Dynamics 365, MCTS' finance and procurement system. Access to your vendor account will allow you to do the following:

  • Submit invoices
  • View and print purchase orders and purchase agreements
  • View and track the status of invoices
  • Upload insurance certificates and other documents
  • Maintain vital business information such as contact addresses, banking information

If you are currently a vendor working with MCTS or a vendor who was recently awarded a contract with MCTS, please complete the Vendor Form linked below. Submitting the Vendor Form will initiate the process to give you access to your vendor portal account.

It is important that the person identified in the Vendor Form is the person you want to be the Primary User for your vendor portal account. This person should be the individual who will be responsible for maintaining users of your account and uploading documents, including bank account information for payment.

If you have questions, please contact please contact the Procurement Department directly at (414) 343-1706, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Central Standard time.

Click here to register

Invoice Requirements

  1. To ensure prompt payment, MTS’ PO number must appear on all invoices, packing lists and packages.

  2. By accepting and filling MTS’ PO or any part thereof, Vendors are bound by the MTS’ PO Terms and Conditions.

  3. Vendor should promptly notify the Buyer listed on the PO of any discrepancies prior to shipment.

  4. All packing slips and invoices must contain item numbers.

  5. TAX EXEMPT:  MTS is a quasi-governmental instrumentality of Milwaukee Country exempt from Wisconsin Sales Tax under Wis. Stat 77.54 (9a) (b) (certificate of Exempt Status No. 008-1020421665-08) and from Federal Excise Tax (Exempt No. 39-73-0429-K)

Bidding Requirements

Federal Procurement Requirements
Purchase Type Purchase Amount Process Required Statutory Authority
Micro Purchase 0-$10.000 No competitive procurement requirements: Price must be Reasonable and Distributed Equitably among Qualified Suppliers. 2 CFR § 200.320(a)(1)
Small Purchase $10,001-$250,000 Comparative Pricing from at least 2 Qualified Suppliers.  2 CFR § 200.320(a)(2)
Major Purchase  $250,001 or more  Bid or RFP.  2 CFR §§ 200.320(b)(1)&(2) 
Sole Source Purchases  Any Price  Must qualify as Sole Source based on: Single Source Availability; Public Emergency; Authorization of Awarding Agency or Pass Through Entity, or Lack of Competition after Solicitation  2 CFR § 200.320  
County Procurement Requirements
Discretionary Purchase  0-$10,000 No Competitive Procurement Requirements.  Mke Ord. Chpt 32.25(3) 
Open Market Purchase  $10,001-$24,999.99  Three Quotes.  Mke Ord. Chpt 32.25(4) 
Purchases Informal  $25,000-$49,999..99  Sealed Bid.  Mke Ord. Chpt 32.25(5) 
Purchases Formal  $50,000 and over  Sealed Bids with Public Notice.  Mke Ord. Chpt 32.25(6) 


DBE Program 

Milwaukee County sets forth proposed goals for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (“DBE”) on Federal Transit Administration (“FTA”)-funded projects every three years. Milwaukee County’s overall goal for DBE participation for FTA-funded projects for the period beginning October 1, 2020, and ending September 30, 2023 is 4.45%.

Questions regarding certification as a DBE and DBE goal setting should be directed to:

Lamont Robinson
Director Office of Economic Inclusion
Milwaukee County 633 West Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 902
Milwaukee, WI 53203 414.278.4747.

MCTS Standard Terms and Conditions

  • MTS's Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (click here to view document)

  • MTS's Supplemental Terms and Conditions (click here to view document)

  • MTS's Standard Terms and Conditions for the Weekly Critical Stock/Bus Part (click here to view document)

  • MTS’s Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders Using Federal Funds for the Purchase of Rolling Stock (click here to view the document)

  • MTS’s PO Terms for Professional Services and Purchase of Materials/Supplies using Federal Funds (click here to view the document)

  • MTS’s Terms and Conditions for RFQ/RFBs (click here to view the document)
  • MTS's Terms and Conditions for Construction using Federal Funds (click here to view the document)
  • MTS’s Terms and Conditions for RFPs – Federally Funded (click here to view the document)


MCTS Standard Professional Services Contracts

  • MTS Professional Services Contract with Federal Terms Included (click here to view the document)